Content Restriction

Take full control of your WordPress content using the content restriction add-on.

Introducing Content Restriction Add-on 

Limit content for logged-in users or users with specific roles. You have the flexibility to apply full or partial content restrictions.

Enable Content Restriction for Pages/Posts  

Effortlessly restrict content for any WordPress pages and posts with the Content Restriction add-on.  

Choose Specific Roles to Access Content 

Assign specific user roles to a user on your site from plugin settings and restrict the content according to different user roles.  

Live Editing Panel 

Get a live preview of your form as you make the changes in the form design. Know exactly how your form looks after you customize it right on the editor.   

Shortcode for Restricting Partial Content 

Restrict the content partially by adding the shortcode provided by the add-on. All you need to do is add the shortcode to the piece of content you want to restrict.  

Show Custom Message to Restricted Users  

Display a custom message to the restricted users to give them an idea of why they are not able to view the content. 

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User Registration and Profile plugin that is easy and flexible to use. Comes with tons of customization options and solid documentation.

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